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    Find PBMIF on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube for useful tips and facts in consumer and fashion psychology. If you're finding it hard to sell your clothes on Vinted, these tips might just be exactly what you're looking for. Vinted is a second hand clothing site that's pretty awesome because it allows you to sell your unwanted clothing items with free listings. These are quick and simple, tried and tested tips that will get you sales in no time. Selling is a piece of cake once you understand the basics. If you would like to ask a question, please use the comments section below. You can watch a video on this article (with subtitles) here. How does Vinted work? Understand what Vinted is about and what you can actually sell on Vinted. Vinted is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Most likely you will sell your items for far less than you intended to (or how much it was bought for originally). Cheaper items do better because buyers take into account the buyer protection fee and shipping costs (e.g., imagine buying an item for £1 and then having to pay £4 for it to be shipped, that's now ~£5). Compared to Depop, Vinted is more targeted towards the majority, rather than 'young, trendy' people. There are all sorts of items on Vinted. You get paid for what you sell, and you don't have to pay a fee to Vinted. Instead, the buyer pays for the item, buyer protection, and the shipping costs. All you need to do is send your item in reasonable packaging and wait for the buyer to receive it. How long does it take to sell things on Vinted? To answer this simply, it's not a one answer fits all scenario. Don't expect your items to be sold within a couple of hours, days, or even weeks. It can take a long time for items to sell, even if you list it very well, or even if it's a popular item. Buyers usually like your items and may be waiting for you to lower the price before deciding whether to purchase an item from you. See the key tip in make your presence known if you want to make a quick sale. This answer depends on what exactly it is that you're selling and how much you're selling it for. Some people have items listed for a whole year before they see any sign of interest from potential buyers. You might find that winter-associated items sell faster at the end of the year, and spring/summer items sell well from April to August for example. You may have heard of BNWT, but what does it mean? BNWT means 'Brand New With Tags'. Items that are relatively new generally sell better. Vinted is oversaturated; tons of items are uploaded daily, so your listing may never/rarely be seen (unless someone searches/filters anything that relates to your listing). Hence why descriptions and titles are important. More exposure = more chances of being seen by potential buyers. You can also follow your family and friends on Vinted if you're interested in getting your items seen more. You can probably even join a Vinted group on social media sites to share what you're selling (according to their terms and conditions). Read the terms and conditions of what you can sell on Vinted itself here. You will be surprised at what you can and can't sell. Consistently uploading items that violate the terms and conditions will most likely get you suspended from the app. Take clear photos of your items. Don't keep your buyers guessing. A photo speaks 1,000 words. Let the photos do the talking. Add as little as six photos including the front, back, bottom, sizing label (measurements), authenticity card (if prompted), and any damages or imperfections. You can add up to 20 photos so make use of this. Good lighting is a must. No amount of carrots can help a buyer determine what you're selling. Daylight is good for photos, but as long as the photo looks like the item you are selling in person, then there shouldn't be a problem. A buyer ideally should be able to see a full length photo of the item especially if they are a long clothing item such as trousers, a dress, or a coat. Keep your photos simple. No other objects are necessary. Don't alter your clothes to make them look like something that it's not (e.g., moving the fabric at the waist so it looks more narrow in the picture, showing how you can wear it, etc.), unless you've provided unaltered images. It can be misleading. Take a picture of the item by itself, whether it be on a table, mannequin, or on a hanger. Make sure items are not sprawled out on your floor. Nobody wants your carpet dust. Also, skip wearing your items in photos. Buyers are more likely to purchase clothes that are not being worn in photos, especially if they are brand new with tags (BNWT). Don't use screenshots from original listings/stores, but you can put the name of the item/item code in the description for the buyer to do their own research. Keywords are a must. Use keywords in titles. The more keywords the more chances it will show up in searches. Instead of 'grey hoodie', try listing your item as: [ BRAND NAME ] [ COLOUR ] [ ITEM NAME (if it has one) ] [ TYPE OF ITEM ] *with [ ADDITIONAL FEATURE ] For example: Sisters and Seekers Grey Holy Hoodie with Pockets *not necessary Descriptions are a must. List your item with the correct description: size, colour, brand, condition, and price. Be honest about item flaws. Don't lie about the item or its condition. Tell your buyers that you have other items listed (if you do). Optional: Tell buyers that you're open to offers. Updated (August 2023): Vinted might automatically select your parcel size for you. Before (August 2023): List the correct postage cost according to your item's size - You do not want your buyer to pay extra fees for collecting their package, nor do you want to overcharge for postage. Item condition. I've read peoples' experiences of receiving heavily soiled and mouldy items, items covered in dust, items covered in hair, and so on. Vinted states that your items should be in hygienic condition. Humans like looking at pretty things. To make your items look reasonable, you can give them a wipe, a lint roll, spot stain removal, give them a wash, sew holes, iron them, shave bobbles, wipe dirt, remove stones from soles, tie up laces, wipe inner soles, use paper to keep items in structure, etc. Doing this will make your items look better in photos. Photos will also feel easier to take! Put your items that you have listed in a clean area away from the clothes you do use, like in a box, separate drawer, room, etc. Somewhere where you can find them easily. This means when you get a sale, all you need to do is package your item appropriately. No faffing or second guessing about the item's condition or wondering whether you still want it, involved. Act like it's not yours anymore. What price do I list my Vinted item for? Set a reasonable price for your items. See what price the item is being sold at, at other places rather than Vinted such as eBay, Depop, or the original retailer (if still in stock). Buyers can also make offers in which you can both negotiate a price. Offers can only go lower than the price you list the item for, generally speaking. Take into account if the item is new, rare, still in store, worn, damaged, etc. Sometimes you might even realise that selling your items on Vinted might not be the best option; you might decide to list it elsewhere, donate it, etc. The more description in your description the better it will show up in searches. Trust me. Better visibility is great! You can also add the trend your item belongs to. Is your item suitable for work? Mention that it's suitable for work. Did you pass your driving test wearing your item? Mention it's magical powers. It is giving early 2000s fashion? List it as Y2K. Is it giving Christmas season? Write that it's suitable for Christmas. Keep in mind that buyers go on Vinted to look for bargains (i.e., items that are cheaper than RRP) - List your item at a price that you think is suitable. Make your presence known. Use the app once in a while. Your profile will inform buyers that you are active on the platform and are ready to be asked questions/respond in a timely manner towards a sale/offer. Would you buy from an account that was last active more than 6 months ago? If buyers see that you haven't been on the app for quite a while, they might not bother to contact you or purchase your items. Respond to buyers (nicely). You will get ridiculous questions from time to time, but just acknowledging a buyer's presence can go a long way with a short and sweet reply. Poor communication is a turn-off and might drive buyers away. This proves to buyers that you're legit, not spam, and not a robot. On your profile, add a profile picture (anything but the grey person icon) and short description (e.g., Hello, I post whenever, offers acceptable, etc.). No need to add your location or real name to your profile. Bear in mind that Vinted accounts can show up on search engines such as Google. Turn on 'holiday mode' if you will not be able to send items out. If you miss the 'send your item off' period, the sale will get cancelled. As a buyer, it's a good idea to send a message to sellers asking if they're available (if they haven't been on the app for months), in case you make a purchase and then you realise that the seller is probably not going to acknowledge a notification, don't read their emails, deleted the Vinted app, etc. Quick sale tip: If you want to make a sale fast, and notice that someone has liked your listing (therefore shown interest), go ahead and message them an offer. They might just accept it. Packaging. Package your items properly so that they aren't damaged in transit. Items can be placed in a box or a bag like the ones you get clothes in from online shopping. Obviously don't put something small in a large box; use a suitable size for the item you're posting. If you ever receive any packages in the post, it's a good idea to keep the packaging. The next time you receive a package, open it carefully so that you can reuse the packaging to package your very own items. You don't need to buy packaging with this method. Surely you have a bag of bags somewhere, or a box of boxes (if not, it's a good idea to keep some if you can). You can get a marker to cross out any sensitive information such as your address and old shipping labels (or you can use nail varnish remover, but wait for the residual ink to dry so that it doesn't smudge on you or your item). Recently I've seen that people are using empty cereal boxes and tea boxes. Honestly, it's fine to use whatever gets your items to the buyer safely and securely. Someone has taken the time to purchase your item so show some consideration by packaging your item appropriately. Slapping your item in a torn up, musty carrier bag will probably land you with a negative review. Think to yourself, 'Would I be annoyed if I received this item in this packaging?' (especially if it's on the pricier side; £10~€15~$15). Put your items in suitable and durable packaging that will not get wet, destroyed easily, and is not see-through. No crisp packets please. No Tesco carrier bags with the receipts left in please. Last resort, if you don't have any suitable packaging around, you can purchase packaging from your local post office (boo to single use plastic!!!). The thing with this method is that if you're using Vinted to make a profit and sell items for £1-£5, are you really making a profit? Before you seal your item, it would be a good idea just to take a quick photo of it, just for piece of mind, or if there's a dispute. If you're printing your own label at home, make sure that you don't stick tape over the barcode/qr code. If you're printing your label off in store and have multiple items, it's a good idea to place a sticky note on them so you know which is which (don't want to send the wrong item!). Leave a thank you note! It's 110% recommended that you leave a note in the package with your Vinted username and a thank you to remind buyers exactly what they've bought in case they've bought many things at once from other sellers. This encourages buyers to leave positive reviews (most of the time). If you're printing or writing a note, make sure the ink has dried fully before you place it with the item. You don't want any oopsies. The letter doesn't have to be extravagant, here's an example of what to write: Example Letter Hello [Insert buyer Vinted username], Thank you for buying my item. [I hope it has arrived safely/please let me know if it has arrived safely/etc.]. Kind regards, [Insert your Vinted username] I'll just take the items thanks, no treats please. Don't place any food items in your package, although it may seem like a kind gesture. Firstly, it can be seen as inconsiderate if the buyer has certain dietary requirements. Secondly, would you eat food from a complete stranger? (If you want to that's fine, no judgement). And thirdly, if it were a hot season, or the delivery driver has their air con blasting in cold weather, think about what could happen to a chocolate bar. Although you're technically not 'selling' any consumables; you're not actually allowed to sell consumables on Vinted. You're on Vinted to sell your item, and your item only. P.S. Seen this on TikTok lately... please do not spray perfume on your items either. Choose the correct postage method. You must understand how postage on Vinted works and how to post your item off. Select a postage method that you're comfortable with, from InPost to Evri. If you're in the UK, Royal Mail is a little more complicated as your shipping label is not autogenerated by the Vinted app. Ask yourself, can you get to the post office/postal service within a reasonable time? Is the distance suitable for you? Do you know if there are printing facilities there? Do you need to print the label yourself or at a store? What will you do if no locker space is free? Is it easily accessible? Does it make sense to you? Buyers pay for the label and delivery, the seller's job is to print the label and send the item off properly packaged. Items are most likely tracked so both you and the buyer can see where they are. Updated (August 2023): Vinted has recently made a change where parcel size may be automatically selected - You may not have to choose yourself. Before (August 2023): Once again, list the correct postage cost - You don't want your buyer to pay extra fees for collecting their package. It can be disappointing for a buyer to find out that they have to pay an extra fee to collect their package at the delivery office. If this actually does happen, and a buyer refuses to pick the parcel up, it will be sent back to the sender's address after a certain amount of days (Royal Mail). The refund process for Vinted can be avoided if you list your item correctly and have good communication with your buyer. If you need any help with complaints, use the 'contact us' feature on the Vinted app. Send your items off within one to two days. There is a timeframe where Vinted expects you to send your items off. Sending them off as soon as possible means that your buyers are more likely to be satisfied and leave a good review for other prospective buyers to see. Keep the proof of postage receipt for future reference. Receive reviews. Once buyers mark that their item has arrived and it's in good condition, they are prompted to leave a review. If they don't you will get a autogenerated review and you will shortly be able to withdraw funds to your chosen bank account. Reviews show that you're a real person with legit items to sell and are worth buying from. When is the best time to list items? List items when people are more likely to be online/on the app, such as on evenings, weekends, and holidays. It's best to sell items at the right time, for example, winter coats in winter, swimsuits in summer, etc. If you have a ton of items to sell, it's best not to list them all at once. You can lose momentum and get bored pretty fast when you have to take multiple photos, write a description, choose the features, find the right photos, and so on. Relist items that attract little interest or likes around 3-6 months. Don't do this too often though. It's naughty. P.S. How to relist an item on Vinted? Make note of the original post title, description, price, features, and images, then screenshot the images if you no longer have them saved, delete the original post and create another listing. Simple. Consider bundling your items. Bundle your items if you're selling a lot of similar items. Someone could be interested in buying more than one thing from you. When you bundle items, you can sell them at a discounted price altogether. Promote Your Listings If you really want to get your items seen more (or sold faster), there are three ways to promote your listings (for a fee though). You can choose to bump items, spotlight your wardrobe, or create collections. You will find these features on your profile page - Find the blue tab saying 'Promote your listings'. As mentioned previously, more views means a greater likelihood of your items being sold. However, promoting your items does not guarantee that they will be sold. It will just place them in areas with more traffic. Should you promote your items? Read the last two sentences again. Vinted sometimes offers these promotions for free - Keep an eye on your inbox for messages from Vinted. Bump items (Not free) You can choose to promote individual items on Vinted. This effectively increases the item's visibility by showing it right at the top of search pages. Spotlight Wardrobe (Not free) If you spotlight your wardrobe, several of your items are shown to relevant buyers on their homepage and in between search listings. Buyers can scroll through these items and have the option to click on your profile. Collections (Not free) Introduced in Spring 2024, create collections is a new feature on Vinted. You can organise your listings like a Pinterest board basically. Collections can be shown on the homepage - the first page people see when they open the app. Hence the importance of listing your items with good quality photos. It's like a bundle and spotlight working together. You might list all of your coats together in one collection, or maybe holiday clothes, jeans, work clothes, shoes, gym clothes, etc. It's up to you. Do followers matter? No, followers do not matter. You can sell items successfully on Vinted without having followers. However, if you consistently sell similar items (e.g., of the same category, style, 'aesthetic', theme trend, etc.), having followers can be an advantage.


    Find PBMIF on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube for useful tips and facts in consumer and fashion psychology. I found myself in the men’s section of H&M with a mission to look for a new white T-shirt (not like I own a handful already). You can’t go wrong with a crisp white T-shirt… tucked in, ironed sleeves. Well at least that’s what my girlfriend says. On that note, my girlfriend also says that I’m incapable of buying clothes for myself, which is certainly untrue. As I walked around the store looking for a simple plain white T-shirt, I could not find any existence of a plain white T-shirt, but instead was trapped in a sea of T-shirts and hoodies with all of these cute, positive, inspiring, and motivational quotes. “Do Good & Be Nice: The Wave of The Future”. How does this slogan make you feel? How do you interpret it? What exactly is it referring to? Does it actually inspire you? In my opinion, I totally dig this slogan. It makes me feel encouraged to be a good and wholesome person, help others out, pet puppies, to stop taking 20-ish minute showers, and to recycle (although these feelings last for a brief moment). You can be, to put it politely, the most annoying individual on earth, yet spread positivity to others just by wearing a T-shirt with a slogan. These T-shirts have got me thinking, is there any point in having slogans on our clothing? Do these slogans actually get a message across or is it just for the purpose of style? Why might someone choose to wear an article of clothing featuring slogans? How do others interpret our T-shirts in particular? What is a slogan? A slogan is a short phrase or sentence that is usually memorable and commonly adopted by sportswear and fast fashion brands, and their products, in order to create a positive image and differentiate themselves from competitors. Indeed, there is a point to clothing with slogans – slogans can help us say things (important or not) and can help us to make a statement (to express an opinion on a matter of great importance, not a fashion statement), without us having to open our mouths. Slogans can also help us to express our individual style. So, is there research on T-shirt slogans? Yes there is, who knew? Recently, Tong and Su (2022) examined lots and lots of T-shirt slogans (500+ slogans from 180 clothing brands) and found that young people love slogan T-shirts. The findings of the study also suggest that T-shirt slogans for strong brands are generally better liked than slogans for weak brands. My favourite slogan from this study has got to be “Shoes & Spaghetti” by H&M. There’s also recently been a study on Turkish language teachers’ awareness of T-shirts (i.e., Savaşkan, 2022). The teachers were asked questions about their opinions on T-shirts. When deciding to purchase a T-shirt, colour and style were the most important factors, whereas less than a quarter of teachers cared about a T-shirt’s text. Many teachers were fond and familiar with the T-shirts they owned. If they were to wear a T-shirt with text on it, it would need to be sensible. If the text was in a foreign language, they would make sure to find out what it meant in case it was inappropriate. If the text was ridiculous, they wouldn’t bother to wear it. The researcher recommends that consumers should be more mindful of what slogans say on their clothing because it can leave a bad impression or send the wrong message to others, especially if the wearer doesn’t know what it means. On that note, wearing a T-shirt with text or graphics can affect how people will interact with you. Gurung et al. (2018) set out to find whether graphics on clothing influence our perceptions and behavioural intentions. The researchers found that participants were less likely to want to interact with those dressed in sexually suggestive T-shirts compared to those in athletic, ‘nerdy’, or blank T-shirts. Now, all I wanted was a simple white T-shirt. But has there been research on white T-shirts? Yes, Tassell et al. (2022) conducted a study on the consequences of wearing a T-shirt either labelled as ‘sustainable’ or ‘unsustainable’ on our wellbeing. A group of participants were to wear a plain white T-shirt either stating “this T-shirt is UNSUSTAINABLE/SUSTAINABLE”. Participants who wore the ‘sustainable’ T-shirt reported a higher level of positive feelings compared to those wearing an ‘unsustainable’ T-shirt. This implies that wearing sustainable clothing has the potential to make us feel more positive. Still haven’t found a plain white T-shirt yet, nope. Gurung, R. A. R., Stoa, R., Nelson, A., & Schultz, D. (2018). The influence of T-shirt graphics on perceptions and behavioral intentions. The Journal of Social Psychology, 159(3), 1-12. Savaşkan, V. (2022). Are We Aware of What We Wear? The Awareness of Pre-Service Turkish Language Teachers About T-Shirt Catch-Phrases. Education Quarterly Reviews, 5(1). Tassell, C., Bardey, A., & Schat, A. (2022). How to wear happiness: Impact of wearing clothing labelled sustainable or fast fashion on subjective well-being. International Journal of Sustainable Fashion & Textiles, 1(1), 63-80. Tong, X. & Su, J. (2022). Exploring T-shirt slogans by content and thematic analysis. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education.


    Find PBMIF on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube for useful tips and facts in consumer and fashion psychology. When I first started Psychology, But Make It Fashion, many people wanted to know how to dress according to their MBTI. I was taken aback. Back in its infancy, MBTI YouTube Shorts were the most popular videos on the PBMIF YouTube channel! (Thou shall not be found anymore). A lot of people disliked the Shorts; and gave them an actual thumbs down! You'll see why in a bit. I thought wow people really like this thing... Its popularity is mind-boggling. Actual questions asked: Can you write an article on MBTI fashion? Can you tell me how the MBTI types dress? How should I dress according to my MBTI? How should an ENFP dress? Is MBTI fashion real? Can I use the MBTI to style my clients? Should I not wear dresses anymore? In order to deter such questions from being asked again, I have decided to write about it. Does our personality determine our style? Surely it does, right? Have you ever heard of MBTI? Has anyone ever asked you for your MBTI, and then told you that they can’t hang out with you anymore because, according to their MBTI, you’re not compatible with them? 💔 It kind of reminds me of astrology and horoscopes. Don’t get me wrong, I’m fine with people who have an interest in horoscopes and compatibility and all that. But please, don’t let it hinder you from potentially making great relationships with others. Please do not base your whole personality on four letters that you got from taking a five minute quiz. You're most certainly a multi-dimensional and unique individual that can't be placed into a small box. I've also seen that it's been used for job screening in some countries. What?! Imagine being turned down for an interview because you were an I and not an E... Because does that really matter out of all things? *face palm* It's also so mysterious how it's so popular in countries such as South Korea... Mega popular. Well, it's definitely a conversation starter for sure. What is MBTI? Now, MBTI stands for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, it’s named after its creators. The focus of MBTI is to categorise people according to the way they think and act based on four dimensions: introversion vs. extraversion; sensing vs. intuition; thinking vs. feeling; and judging vs. perceiving. When you take the MBTI personality test you will end up with a string of 4 letters, one letter from each dimension (in bold) (e.g., ESTP). That’s great and all, but what about it? The MBTI is based upon Carl Jung’s (unsupported) theories that are not so regarded in psychology today. The dichotomies fail to make sense. Why should I have to fit in one or the other alone, and not both? Not only that, the test delivers inconsistent results. Someone somewhere probably: Why am I INFJ today when I was INTJ last month?!?! There is little to no research in psychology on the MBTI because psychology journals basically just have no concern for it. Stein and Swan (2019), sum up the MBTI quite well with its involvement in psychology, “MBTI's continued popularity says about how the general public might evaluate scientific theories. Presumably, a purpose of the field of psychology is to assist the general public in becoming psychologically literate. Unfortunately, the ideas about psychology that gain the most traction with the public can lack theoretical rigor. "MBTI lacks agreement with known data, lacks testability, and suffers from internal contradictions. "Today the administration and interpretation of the MBTI is a huge business and force in shaping the general public's perceptions of psychology.” In other words, psychology nowadays aims to be as scientific as possible, but one of the most popular ideas in psychology is not. Psychology, the science of the mind, has had a tough time being recognised as a science. Why should I have to fit in one or the other alone, and not both? According to Stromberg and Caswell (2015), the test is just simply for entertainment. I wasn’t surprised at all when I found literally no research on MBTI and fashion. To answer the question, MBTI (fashion) is rather nonsense - but it could do with a lot of tweaking... and actual research not carried out by big businesses for profit. If you're an MBTI fan, and you like the MBTI ~vibes~, and you want to dress like your MBTI, by all means go ahead. As long as you're comfortable - Dress however you want - Your fashion is yours to explore - that's the PBMIF philosophy, and always will be. The PBMIF slogan isn't curiosity is the best outfit for nothing! Rather, take a look at the Big Five Model of personality... What could this say about your fashion sense? The Big Five model is one of the most popular models of personality. It concerns five personality traits (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism (OCEAN)), as the measure of personality. A lot of research has been carried out on this model. The Big Five is predictive for things such as relationship satisfaction, education, and job performance, whereas the MBTI is not, at all. The model demonstrates replicability across different cultures and test-retest reliability. The Big Five is currently the dominant model of personality in the literature (Feher & Vernon, 2021). Take the Big Five personality test here and see if the results of this research matches your style: The Big Five is a self-report personality test. There are 50 short statements to answer. Your results will be displayed in a bar chart showing the level of each trait. There are five traits. The lower the bar, the lower the trait. Stolovy (2021) explored the relationships between clothing practices, personality, and body image among Israeli women using the Big Five model. 792 surveys were received from women from both urban and rural areas in Israel, with a mean age of 42 years. Two thirds of the sample were married women, and just over half were mothers. Over 80% of participants stated that they had an academic degree, and a majority considered themselves as non-religious. The researcher found that: Conscientiousness was related with a classic style of dress; formal, conventional and representative. Do you dress formally? Conscientiousness is associated with organisation, punctuality, and reliability. Those who scored low on agreeableness were related with a unique style of dress. Agreeableness is associated with a person’s tendency to put others’ needs above their own, warmth, and cooperation. Considering this, it is more likely that these participants did not care what others thought about their style. On the other hand, extraversion was related with an urban style of dress (playful and eclectic). According to the Big Five model, extraversion is associated with being a people person, outgoingness, and sociability in general. Those who scored high on openness were related with an urban style of dress as well. Openness to experience is associated with creativeness and curiosity. Does your style reflect your personality or maybe not...? This study indicates that personality traits influence our clothing choices, and highlights the importance of the psychology of dress, a neglected area of research (Stolovy, 2021). It would be quite interesting to see this study replicated cross culturally, and with men as the sample. Feher, A. & Vernon, P. A. (2021). Looking beyond the Big Five: A selective review of alternatives to the Big Five model of personality. Personality and Individual Differences, 169. Stein, R. & Swan, A. B. (2019). Evaluating the validity of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator theory: A teaching tool and window into intuitive psychology. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 13(2). Stolovy, T. (2021). Styling the Self: Clothing Practices, Personality Traits, and Body Image Among Israeli Women. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. Stromberg, J. & Caswell, E. (2015, Oct 08). Why the Myers-Briggs test is totally meaningless. Vox.

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    PRIVACY POLICY Last Updated: June 2024 This privacy notice for PBMIF ('Company', 'we', 'us', or 'our') describes how and why might collect, store, use, and/or share ('process') your information when you use our services such as when you visit the site. Reading this policy will help you understand your privacy rights and choices. If you choose to not consent, no analytics information is collected or stored. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact PBMIF here . ​ This summary provides key points from our privacy policy. When you visit, use, or navigate our services, we may process personal information depending on how you interact with PBMIF and the services, the choices you make, and the products and features you use. We do not process sensitive personal information. We do not receive any information from third parties. 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This information is needed to maintain the security and operation of our services, and for our internal analytics and reporting purposes. We may collect location data such as your device's location, which can either be precise or imprecise only if you agree to the cookies. How much information we collect depends on the settings of the device you use to access the services. Google Ads may show you relevant advertisements. ​ 2. HOW DO WE PROCESS YOUR INFORMATION? ​ We process your personal information for a variety of reasons, depending on how you interacting with our services including, to save or protect an individual's vital interest, such as to prevent harm. ​ 3. WHAT LEGAL BASES DO WE RELY ON TO PROCESS YOUR INFORMATION? ​ If you are located in the EU or UK, this section applies to you. The GDPR require us to explain the valid legal bases we rely on in order to process your personal information. We may rely on the following legal bases to process your personal information: Consent: We may process your information if you have given us permission to use your personal information for a specific purpose. Legal Obligations: We may process your information where we believe it is necessary to protect your vital interests or the vital interests of a third party, such as situations involving potential threats to the safety of any person. Vital Interests: We may process your information where we believe it is necessary to protect your vital interests or the vital interests of a third party, such as situations involving potential threats to the safety of any person. ​ 4. STANCE ON THIRD PARTY WEBSITES. ​ The services may link to third party websites, online services, or mobile applications and/or contain advertisements from third parties that are not affiliated with us and which may link to other websites, services, or applications. Any data collected by third parties is not covered by this privacy policy. We are not responsible for the content or privacy and security practices and policies of any third parties, including other websites, services, or applications that may be linked to or from the services. ​ 5. DO WE USE COOKIES AND OTHER TRACKING TECHNOLOGIES? ​ We may use cookies and other tracking technologies to collect and store your information. Google Ads are present on this website - You can choose whether you consent or not to see personalised advertisements. ​ 6. HOW LONG DO WE KEEP YOUR INFORMATION? ​ We will only keep your personal information for as long as it is necessary for the purposes set out in this privacy policy, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law. We will not keep your data for more than 90 days. ​ 7. WHAT ARE YOUR PRIVACY RIGHTS? ​ In some regions like the EEA, UK, and Canada, you have certain rights under applicable data protection laws. The may include the right to: request access and obtain a copy of your personal information; request rectification or erasure; restrict the processing of your personal information. We will consider and act upon any request in accordance with applicable data protection laws. ​ 8. UPDATING OUR PRIVACY POLICY ​ We update this privacy from time to time. The updated version will be indicated by an updated revised date and the updated version will be effective as soon as it is accessible. If we make material changes to this policy, we may notify you either by posting a notice of changes or by notifying you via email. We encourage you to review this policy to understand how and why we use your information. ​ 9. HOW CAN YOU CONTACT US ABOUT THIS NOTICE? ​ If you have any questions or comments about this notice, you may contact PBMIF. ​

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Psychology, But Make It Fashion (PBMIF) is a digital magazine dedicated to the psychology of fashion.


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