Did you say you're looking for a new digital journal to try out in 2025? Say no more.

PBMIF's 2025 digital journal has launched. Available as a PDF document, this journal can be used on any device using your preferred notes application.
After your nice feedback on the 2024 digital journal (thank you), I thought I'd make another one for 2025.
Yes, it's free.
Introduction: What's new?
What's new this year?
The journal has an entirely new look. In this edition tabs/dividers and textures have been added, it looks more authentic, and it's more straightforward. It has a bit of a romantic feel - French menu-esque... It's designed for you to get to know you, better.
One major difference is that activities are now blended seamlessly into the journal; large chunks of text and instructions have been replaced by simple sentences. The rigid structure of the last journal was quite boring and I was never motivated to complete it myself. It's more customisable this time. By adding tab dividers, you're able to drag pages to whichever tab you want. The pages have an added texture to appear paper-like. I've removed page numbers. As this journal was intended for you to move pages around and add more (i.e., duplicate them), it didn't quite make sense to add page numbers this time because they'd be all over the place!
Taking these changes into consideration, I hope you find this journal more interesting to use.
Journalling: Do what's best for you.
There are no rules when it comes to journalling. You can journal whenever you feel like it. Some people like to journal at the end of the week and some like to journal instead of scrolling through social media. Journalling shouldn't be a chore where you feel obliged to track your every waking moment.
Included in this PDF template:
Monthly tabs with hyperlinks;
100+ questions;
Vision board; and
Blank template pages.
Journalling: What benefits does journalling have?
Have you tried journalling before? (I can't commit to spelling journaling like this). Journalling has been shown to have many benefits including increased life satisfaction.
If you've never journalled before, it can seem quite overwhelming. What are you meant to write? Where can you find the time to journal? How do you know which app to use? What pen colour do you choose? PBMIF's 2025 digital journal has a clean layout; it's designed to not be overwhelming. It's simple and easy to use.
Journalling is about finding out what you like to write about; it's personal to your values, interests, and life experiences (Huston et al., 2024). You don't need to adhere to what others do with their journals. What you find comfortable and pleasurable is the best approach for you.
Gratitude and gratitude journalling have been shown to positively impact psychological wellbeing and affective functioning, while also decreasing negative affect and stress (Cauble & Downs, 2022; Hall et al., 2024; Mohamed et al., 2023).
A recent study (McKay et al., 2024), published in Mindfulness, found that most participants who engaged in a 91-day self-compassion journalling exercise reported positive feedback and beneficial impacts on self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness. A journal is a low-cost and accessible way to improve self-compassion and wellbeing.
What is more, the beauty of digital journalling is that it's editable unlike pen to paper.
If you'd like to read more about the benefits of journalling, you can read this article.
Download the free digital journal 2025 here.
You may find the file below. It's a PDF so it can be used on any notes app that allows PDF import (i.e., Goodnotes, Samsung Notes, etc.).
Thank you for your support, please do leave a comment, and even share your experience with the journal if you'd like to! I wish you a lovely 2025. Keep a lookout for more free downloadable resources.
N.B. Hyperlinks only work in reader mode.
Find PBMIF on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube for useful tips and facts in consumer and fashion psychology.
You may want to read...
Hall, A. H., Bache-Wiig, G. & White, K. M. (2024). Exploring the Impact of Gratitude Practice as a Protective Factor for Young Children. Early Childhood Education Journal. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10643-023-01623-3
Huston, G. E., Law, K. H., Teague, S., Pardon, M., Muller, J. L., Jackson, B., & Dimmock, J. A. (2024). Understanding and optimising gratitude interventions: the right methods for the right people at the right time. Psychology & Health, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1080/08870446.2024.2336042
McKay, R. C., Zottl, L., & Jung, M. E. (2024). Becoming Kinder to Yourself: Evaluating a 91-Day Self-Compassion Journal. Mindfulness. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-024-02484-6
Mohamed, N. H., Beckstein, A., Winship, G., Ashraf Khan Mou, T., Pang, N. T. P., & Relojo-Howell, D. (2023). Effects of self-expressive writing as a therapeutic method to relieve stress among university students. Journal of Poetry Therapy, 36(3), 243–255. https://doi.org/10.1080/08893675.2023.2174678
Skrzelinska, J., Ferreira, J. A., Linharelhos, M., Aguiar, E., & Matos, M. (2024). The impact of gratitude practice on well-being and mental health in post-COVID times among Portuguese adults. Current Psychology, 43, 34863–34874. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-024-06974-7
Tolcher, K., Cauble, M., & Downs, A. (2022). Evaluating the effects of gratitude interventions on college student well-being. Journal of American College Health, 72(5), 1321–1325. https://doi.org/10.1080/07448481.2022.2076096